My Excel

     In our second unit of BTT101, we started to learn about Microsoft excel. Excel is a very powerful spreadsheet that is widely used in many business applications. You can use the excel to produce simple spreadsheets, prepare invoices, budgets, and other numerical statements. When working on excel, the files that you produce are called workbooks and each works book is made up of a minimum of three worksheets.

     In Microsoft excel, I have learned several thing that I did not know because I have only used excel once in my life. So, learning all of these new techniques made my life more efficient and easier. Excel does all the  mathematical statements for you since it acts like a giant calculator. One thing that I have learned and might use again in the future is the "IF" function. The IF function compares the value in a cell to a test you specify. Then makes a decision to whether the value met the test (is true) or failed the test (is false). You can use this function is many cases. For example you can use this whenever you are marking test or assignments, job salaries, experiments and many more. You can use the If function when grading papers because it will easily calculate the scores/grade and will make a decision on whether or not the student has passed.

This is an example of how an IF function
will look after it is done.

For more help on using the IF function, please click on this link:

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