The Future

IN 10 YEARS.....?

The expert at anything was once a beginner.
-Helen Hayes

     I have had many dreams while growing up. I know that you might have had too. Some may have had a dream of being a police officer, a rock star, Olympic athlete, and some may have even wanted to be a princess. Being a kid allows you to dream, explore and think of the impossible, but for me, I have just started to grow up and started to think like a real teenager by thinking of the future and not the past.

     When I started to think seriously about what I wanted to do as a career when I grow up, I wanted to be a neonatologist. A neonatologist is a pediatrician that treats newborn babies that need special care. They are able to help infants who require medical help like premature babies, babies who need help to breath at birth and babies born with life threatening medical conditions. 

     To become a neonatologist is not that simple, you will need about 9-10 years of education including university, medical school, and residency.  I would like to graduate from UFT Scarborough campus (4 years), then go to a good medical school (4 years) and do my residency and training. I hope that I will not give up, work my hardest to achieve my goals and make my family proud because I want to carry on my dad's dream of becoming a doctor. :)

For more information on Neonatology click on the like below:

                                                More information on Neonatology

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